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The myth of arbitration

The myth of arbitration

Jalal Tehrani

Profile, symbol and image; index, symbol and icon; There are three known aspects of everything that Our senses are exposed by.

 For years, properties other than the five senses have confused the equations between these three. For years, these three couldn’t be easily separated, and they interfered with each other.

 It can be safely said that the image has a clear meaning. That is, it clearly indicates the subject. Like the photo, But if we give originality to the games of the mind and imagination, the image also loses its clarity. Like a profile that implies inference. Like the heat that indicates summer. It is a symbol of contract. Like the football referee's whistle, which is a symbol of stopping. Therefore, it is the rank symbol between the symbol and index. Because, on the one hand, it has the certainty of the symbol and, on the other hand, the guarantee of the index.

All three of these - even the icon - are dependent on the geographical-cultural context. Heat in Malaysia does not only mean summer. Cow has meanings in Farsi that it does not have in Hindi. At the same time, the field of signification has gone beyond language, images and objects. Like judgment which is in the order of words, it is in the order of job, it is in the order of image.

Arbitration is primarily an icon. On the one hand, like the photo in the birth certificate; It is clear and transparent And it has one dimension and is one of the fixed things. On the other hand, such a ruling has lost its decisiveness. Because of that, in recent decades, mental and imaginary meanings have prevailed over rational meanings. These days, it can be said that the existence of icons indicates a nature that has been determined due to ambiguity. That is, the image signifies the principle and in fact it signifies nothing. Because it can be judged that the photographer killed the owner of the picture by pressing the buttons. Or making a statue has turned life into death. Or the painter has buried the truth under his colors. For many years, in the case of many artists, instead of the word creation, we could use the combination of shroud and burial. Today, the image is more than a guide to its signifier, it is to the mind and The viewer's imagination gives authenticity. But we still try to be clear and distinguish between them. These are our last rambles; In a world where everything is progressing, the mind and imagination are superior to reason and logic, and the interpretation of the mind is superior to the perception of the eye. Therefore, judgment in the order of icons, many times, works completely against our theoretical expectations. For many years, people have been giving each other positive and negative energy. They see this energy as a clear image. If they used to go to classes for painting and piano, now they go to classes for energy.

Arbitration will be held at a later date, become Index or profile. It claims an abstraction of truth. In this case, although it is far from the image, there are similarities between the proposition and the self-judgment. Like a sign of the possibility of a mountain falling on the side of the road; which has shown an abstraction of the truth. In fact, this is the order that is made by human hands. It is abstract. Its existence in society is inevitable. For example, the installation of the "possibility of the mountain falling" signboard is inevitable, and all that comes from the police. But when faced with this level of judgment, it should always be remembered that the painting is an index and the original mountain, road, and waterfall are different.

That is, the judgment that is in the order of indexes gives originality to the relativity of perceptions. Its honor is the same. It means that it is more human. The words honor and humanity are not valuable words here. Rather, they indicate the real relationship between the senses and reason and logic. This order is more realistic and reliable than judging in the field of art. In this case, the judge does not judge between two works, two texts, for example, two paintings or two photographs. Rather, by relying on the visual guides that he finds in the text of a work, he discovers the strength and health or the weakness and shortcomings of that work, such as a painting or a photograph. He listens to a piece of music, without playing it in parts to Let someone else compare what he has in mind, Then he talks to you about that music. He is judging.

Arbitration is symbolized next. It symbolizes "No entry" sign is a symbol. There is no similarity of interest between the symbol and the subject, except that one is a symbol of the other. It means that arbitration is a symbol of a contract. In a public administration, a large part of this level of judgment is entrusted to the people. The difference between this award and the previous awards is that there is no interpretation possible in this arbitration. In this case, it is not the common proverb different strokes for different folks. It means that entry is prohibited. That's why symbols are the strongest standards. They’re arbitration.

The word "strong" does not refer here to concepts such as competence and correctness. Rather, it means The power of the symbol is in determining the verdict. When a symbol approaches the peak of its power, it has the connotations of judgment; Although inappropriate and wrong. Like the referee's whistle, which is a symbol of stoppage in the football field; In the life outside of football, professional players also issue a stop order every time it comes to their ears. In the discussion of myths, something like this happens, that it is good not to be mistaken with what came. For example, in our culture, every sneeze means to stop. But this ruling was not produced from the path of getting power from the symbol.Rather, there are many myths that we have not encountered. In other words, it has not grown in us.Both symbols are in the field of implied meanings. In advanced societies, the profile is high, and in undeveloped societies; symbol.

Sometimes, when the symbol becomes strong, it automatically turns into a profile. A symbol becomes an index. This is if the symbol creates a mental image of the subject due to its presence in front of the eyes. Symbols that deal with instincts and emotions are displayed earlier than other symbols. Like warning symbols that create a mental image of dangerous factors. Here, too, it should be remembered that everyone's mental image is different from another. The reason for the judgment is different, but the consensus is on one thing. It also remembered that it is an abstract representation of reality.

Arbitration becomes a myth in the next order. Myth in judgment means prejudice. Judgment in this order is also like a symbol order. With the difference that this time; The format without any contract is up to the referee. In other words; The format judges the judge! Arbitration becomes an intermediary between the myth and the subject. Sometimes it is a cause of good, sometimes it is a cause of evil. Myth means canned belief for consumption. The consensus of myths creates a worldview. At this time, naturally, the verdict of the arbitration in any field is known in advance. Something that we see in all kinds of festivals and art competitions; As soon as the participants know the list of judges, they know in advance what kind of works will vote However, when arbitration becomes a myth; Arbitration vote is a symbol.

It has become a symbol. Awards that it is obtained, a medal that is hung around the neck or any kind of victory in any decrees indicates absolute righteousness. The one that comes first is the best; Because myth guides absolutes. Although, at the end of these festivals, some or all of them open their mouths to criticize the refereeing. But the winner will quickly enjoy all the benefits of a person who has proven his 100% honesty. For example, a director who won the first place in a film festival is bombarded with all kinds of proposals from all kinds of producers, and he himself is before the first screenwriter, or the first cameraman, attacks the actor who wins.

Obviously, they want credits and benefits, Who are the symbol of absolute victory. But the myth of arbitration is not only related to official referees. Because the myth works with everyone's mind. It means that people near and far can bring an issue or a person to the highest level. They can hang a symbol around a person's neck and force him to carry it with him for the rest of his life, sometimes the main job of such a person will be to preserve and protect this symbol. On the other hand when the symbol is close to the peak of its power becomes figure.

 It means that it leaves its certainty in the mind, Although it still keeps its formal credits and privileges. This degradation comes from the general characteristic of the myth. Myths are constantly changing. At the same time, the myth takes its meaning from the public mind. That is, if arbitration becomes a myth, everyone has been given the authority to understand and implement it explicitly.

Let's remember that the issuance of explicit public rulings is different from the possibility of public arbitration in the rank of index. The myth issues a holy ruling. While the judgment in index order clearly indicates its relativity. The weakness of the myth of arbitration lies in its own strength.

 When something becomes a myth, it is doomed to change it is perishable Because myth deals with the explicit needs of societies. And these needs are constantly changing and evolving. With this description, If you see an artist repeating himself, there is a high probability that he is protecting a symbol that you once hung around your neck. If you feel that the period of such a person is over, It means that the myths have changed. It is the referee's turn to be challenged in this match or similar matches. Winning such competitions less than 40% votes. Votes are more than that. It is unlikely to be repeated. With realism, No compliments; The average level of education of the judges of this competition is not more or less than the native judges of festivals or the people  around an artist. Of course, in this average, the experienced kill the newcomers. But this also does not make the legitimacy of this winner more or less than the legitimacy of the owners of the symbols of legends. His difference is that his victory happened on transparent and clear fields and in the desert. The percentage of votes in such competitions shows that the winner is not necessarily the best. He will have a stiffness of 20-30% under his feet and he will not be in anxiety and dancing until the end of his life on the high platform of illusions.



 Jalal Tehrani ; The present text is based on SendYourShot's type of competitive judging - which is based on direct voting instead of a centralized jury's vote.

The contestants of the competition depend on it –

 written by Jalal Tehrani, writer and theater director